Sunday, April 1, 2012

1K and 5K walk/run at St. Mary's

This weekend at St. Mary's was the 1K and 5K walk/ run race for the stars that I volunteered at with 4 of my classmates. It was a lot of fun! We were assigned to direct the runners the correct way as well as hand out water at the water station. We first did the 1K and that was mainly students that did that, but they had some impressive times. During that race I stood on the corner of Kinney Drugs and directed the runners to the final stretch. I tried to motivate the students to run the last bit of it, especially the ones that looked like they were running out of gas. After that we quickly went to the water station and handed out the water to the older competetors. It is amazing how many times people told us thank you for volunteering our time to help out with this, I really felt good about helping out!!! I would do it again next year I can only hope though that it isn't raining/ snowing. However I did it once I can do it again. After the race was done we were taken care of by being fed pankakes, and bacon :)

We were just trying to keep everyone safe and happy on their run on saturday and I would have to say that we succeeded!!

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